Sunday School
Sunday School is an important part of the disciplemaking process at Philadelphia Baptist Church, as participation in it significantly increases our ability to connect with God and other people. Each class has 3-primary points of emphasis: fellowship, prayer, & Bible study. For more information, ask any church leader, or stop by the S.S. Office in the Education Wing.
Kid’s S.S. Groups
Nursery (Education Wing)
Birth to 2-Years Old
Growers (Education Wing)
3-Years Old to Kindergarten
Learners (Education Wing)
1st - 3rd Grade
Searchers (Downstairs Below Sanctuary)
4th to 5th Grade
Middle School (Student Center)
6th to 8th Grade
High School (Student Center)
9th to 12th Grade
Adult S.S. Groups
Adults-1 (Downstairs Below Sanctuary)
Adults of All Ages
Adults-2 (Downstairs Below Sanctuary)
Adults All Ages
Men-1 (Education Wing)
Men All Ages
Women-1 (Education Wing)
Women All Ages
Women-2 (Education Wing)
Women All Ages